Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mä oon täällä (I am here) online service is finally out

Nuori Suomi (The Young Finland Association) has been working with an online service for children & youth. The starting point of the service is well in focus: the site should motivate people to be active and exercise as well as share their sports related experiences within the community. Street sports and snowboarding are just some examples where filming already is a part of fun. "Mä oon täällä" web site tries to teach youngsters who are more into traditional sport to upload their best moments to the service and see what type of reaction they will get from the crowd.

It will be interesting to see what type of sports will be the most popular and the most common ones at the service. Perhaps the youngsters will take the service to whole new direction? Most often hanging around the mall or doing some tricks with friends is not exercise in the traditional sense but it is casual exercise and everyday activity anyhow. The web site is also supporting small groups who organize their own events. "Mä oon täällä" site can be used as a channel to find interesting sports related events and network with like-minded.

The web site is linked with "World Record School Break" and "Youth 2011" campaigns which will be organized by The Young Finland Association.

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